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New Year’s Writing: Lists, Letters, and Resolutions

List Poems

List poems are an easy form for kiddos and generally are composed by having a beginning, a list, and an ending. First, for reference, your kiddos should read “Sick” by Shel Silverstein and “Bleezer’s Ice Cream” by Jack Prelutsky. Next, ask your kiddos to make a list of things they learned in 2020, are looking forward to in 2021, things they want to achieve in 2021, or things they loved or disliked about 2020. If they don’t want to write about the year, they could always write a list about treats they like to eat, games they like to play, or anything. Challenge older kids by asking them to include a metaphor or simile in the beginning or ending of the list poem.

Letter from your Future Self

Ask your kiddo to imagine that they receive a letter in the mail from their future self. They could start by answering the following questions: How far in the future is this self from? What does the letter say? Does it discuss what they have accomplished? How different the world looks? How have they dealt with hardships or challenges? Next, ask your kiddo to write the letter.


For younger kiddos you will want to discuss what New Year’s resolutions are and ask them to write a brief entry that begins: My New Year’s resolution for 2021 is….

For older kiddos ask them to do some research about New Year’s resolutions. Which resolutions are most common? Do people usually achieve the goals of their resolutions? Students can either write an essay that argues for or against the practice of making resolutions or they can write their own New Year’s resolutions.

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